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HTML Character Codes

Document Reference: TN200910001 - Rev: 4.85 - Last Update: 09-09-2018 18:59 GMT - Downloaded: 06-May-2024 05:12 GMT

HTML 4.01 specifies a total of 252 named character entities. Below is a selection of special characters and symbols commonly used.

HTML character codes are used to implement reserved symbols or to express characters that cannot easily be entered with a keyboard. Extra characters have been included which are not part of the 252 named character entities. These extra characters are marked as n/a in the HTML/Named column.

Frequently Used Character Entities

These ten character entities are frequently used to escape special characters, e.g. for displaying text in a HTML document as HTML code.

<&lt;&#60;3Cless-than sign
>&gt;&#62;3Egreater-than sign
"&quot;&#34;22double quotation mark
&ndash;&#8211;96en dash (width of capital N)
&mdash;&#8212;97em dash (width of capital M)
&nbsp;&#160;A0non-breaking space
#&num;&#35;23number sign / hash(tag)
n/a&#8470;2116numero sign

Currency Character Entities

Please note that the dollar sign doesn't have a named character code. It is included for reference only.

&euro;&#8364;20ACeuro sign
£&pound;&#163;A3pound sign
$n/a&#36;24dollar sign
¢&cent;&#162;A2cent sign
¥&yen;&#165;A5yen sign
ƒ&fnof;&#402;192dutch florin sign
¤&curren;&#164;A4generic currency sign

Legal Character Entities

®&reg;&#174;AEregistered sign
©&copy;&#169;A9copyright sign
&trade;&#8482;2122trade mark sign
§&sect;&#167;A7section sign

Mathematical Character Entities

¼&frac14;&#188;BCfraction one quarter
½&frac12;&#189;BDfraction one half
¾&frac34;&#190;BEfraction three quarters
&minus;&#8722;2212minus sign
±&plusmn;&#177;B1plus-minus sign
×&times;&#215;D7multiplication sign
÷&divide;&#247;F7division sign
<&lt;&#60;3Cless-than sign
>&gt;&#62;3Egreater-than sign
&le;&#8804;2264less-than or equal to sign
&ge;&#8805;2265greater-than or equal to sign
&sim;&#8764;223Ctilde operator/similar to sign
&cong;&#8773;2245congruent to sign
&asymp;&#8776;2248almost equal to sign
&ne;&#8800;224Cnot equal to sign
°&deg;&#176;B0degree sign
&radic;&#8730;221Asquare root sign
&ang;&#8736;2220angle sign
&infin;&#8734;221Einfinity sign
&permil;&#8240;2030per mille sign
&isin;&#8712;2208element of sign
&notin;&#8713;2209not element of sign
&sum;&#8721;2211sumation sign

Miscellaneous Character Entities

n/a&#8470;2116number sign
n/a&#8451;2103degree celsius sign
n/a&#8457;2109degree fahrenheit sign
n/a&#8486;2126ohm sign
&spades;&#9824;2660black spade
&clubs;&#9827;2663black club
&hearts;&#9829;2665black heart
&diams;&#9830;2666black diamond

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